Saturday, March 9, 2013

Hai phần ba

Là mẹ và Thì Là đã đi cùng nhau được hai phần ba chặng đường rồi đó. Hôm qua  là 28 tuần rưỡi. Cân  được 118 lbs, nói chung vẫn là below average (so với Mỹ), nhưng có tăng cân là mẹ mừng rồi.
- Đường huyết: 90 mg%: rất rất tốt. Không dính tiểu đường thai kỳ thì đó cũng là một biểu hiện tốt.
- Hơi thiếu máu chút, chuyện này thì bà bầu nào cũng gặp, nhất là mấy bà bầu khi xưa hom hem, ốm yếu như mẹ  :))

Thai 28 tuần rưỡi thì được như vầy:

Week Twenty Eight: May recognize your voice

You are 28 weeks pregnant. (fetal age 26 weeks)
  • The fetus has its own regular intervals for sleeping and being awake.
  • The weight has increased to 1000 grams and is 37.5cm in length.
  • 2.2 pounds weight and is 14.8 inches in length from head to heel.
  • The feet are just over 2 inches (5.5cm) long.
  • The hair on the head is now clearly visible.
  • The milk teeth have developed under the gums.
  • The eyes are starting to move in their sockets.
28 weeksBrain waves show rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, which means your baby may be dreaming. Eyelids are opening. Eye color may change within the first six months of life especially if your baby's eyes are blue or gray-blue at birth. Remember to talk to your baby often; reading stories, singing songs has been seen to slow the baby's heart rate. He or she can recognize your voice now and will often calm to it later after birth.

Your uterus will be about 3 inches (7cm) above your bellybutton. During this time of your pregnancy, your belly will grow about half an inch (1cm) each week. If you have been following a nutritious, balanced meal plan, your total weight gain is probably between 17 and 24 pounds (7.5 and 10.5 Kg).

Branches of lungs are quite developed now, so there is a good chance that baby would survive if born prematurely now. If your baby is born this week, the chances of survival is now at least 90 percent. However, some complications are still possible.

(trích từ


Dạo này bụng bắt đầu có cơn gò nhiều. Sợ quá đi! Sợ sanh non giống như hồi có bầu T quá :((